#polyp at the stomach cardia just below the esophageal varices May 28, 2021 band ligation cardiac polyp upper digestive endoscopy upper GI bleeding vascular polyp your opinion +
#peptic ulcers May 24, 2021 #peptic ulcers esophageal varices gastric varices linear streaks upper digestive endoscopy +
#Treatment of esophageal and gastric varices at the same setting May 14, 2021 #antral varices band ligation esophageal varices gastric varices +
#Endoscopic antral finding ( normal or abnormal) May 09, 2021 #antral rugae #antral varices esophageal varices GAVE portal hypertensive gastropathy +
#portal hypertensive gastropathy May 06, 2021 congestive gastropathy esophageal varices gastric fundus portal hypertensive gastropathy upper digestive endoscopy +
#Gastric finding in a patient with liver cirrhosis May 05, 2021 chronic liver disease digestive endoscopy portal gastropathy spider nevus vascular ectasia +
#ابني بلع جنيه اعمل ايه# May 02, 2021 #ابني بلع جنيه اعمل ايه# و اشعة عادية و تنظير على الجهاز الهضمى و +