#endoscopic resection of large colonic polyp

A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the endoscopy unit. The patient gave a history of right hemicolectomy due to cecal adenocarcinoma and sigmoid polyp (multiple biopsies were taken and revealed colonic adenoma) 6 months ago. The patient underwent a colonoscopy. The scope revealed a large sigmoid polyp 35 cm from the anal verge. Methylene blue dye was injected into the polyp stem, and snare resection was done. What are your options for management? 1- surgical resection. 2- endoscopic resection. For endoscopic resection, choose your best option 1- polypectomy 2- underwater resection 3-polypectomy assisted resection, e.g., use of end loop, 4- ESD 5- other options
