A 62-year-old man on regular follow-up endoscopy for band ligation of esophageal varices was referred for band ligation of gastric polyps. the patient underwent upper digestive endoscopy. the scope showed multiple small polyps in the antrum ( maybe nodular GAVE), the body of the stomach, and the fundus. the management plan was band ligation of polyps beginning from the most distal ones( ie from the antrum upwards), the band ligation will be done on multiple follow-up sessions.
1- band ligation was done with 2 rubber bands for each polyp.
2- the suction of polyps was difficult in comparison to the suction of varices( the nature of polyps to the vascular pattern of varices.
3- nodular GAVE is restricted to the antrum in contrast to this case, where polyps are scattered in many sites in the stomach.