Do not do
A 55-year-old man presented with an attack of upper GI bleeding in the form of hematemesis and melena. Upper digestive endoscopy revealed large fundal varices with white nipple sign. Injection of amacryl into the white nipple sign led to jet-like bleeding 'Mount St. Helens' sign' due to its volcanic-like eruption. The management of this active bleeding was done by injecting with amacryl but this time at a site away from the nipple sign.Notes:
1-The mistake is" injection into the white nipple sign." It is better not to touch it.
2- The actual length of this video is 1hour and 7 minutes.
3-When was searching the web, there are multiple cases of endotherapy for esophageal varices white nipple sign either by injection or ligation, but I did not see any cases of gastric variceal nipple sign.