Surgical or endoscopic intervention#

A 57-year-old man presented with repeated vomiting, upper abdominal distension, weight loss, and epigastric pain was admitted to our hospital. The patient gave a history of a similar attack 3 years ago, and the endoscopy revealed partial pyloric obstruction. The patient was advised to fast three days before the upper digestive endoscopy and was maintained on intravenous fluids. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed multiple ulcers# around the pyloric ring, totally obstructed pyloric ring#, elongated and large stomach#, and severe lower esophageal inflammation. The scope cannot pass into the duodenum. Also, the ERCP cannula and guidewire cannot move into the duodenum. Also, an amount of water was injected into the pyloric area, and the endoscopist observes if this water pass or not into the duodenum (water challenge test#).
