The beginning of rain is one drop ( اول الغيث قطرة)
It is a new milestone to the unit of
gastroenterology and hepatology, internal medicine department, faculty of
medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
تم الاستشهاد بابحاث علمية مؤلفيها من قسم امراض الباطنة فى مجلات
مرموقة فى مجال الجهاز الهضمى والكبد
احد هده المجلات تابعة للnature
والمجلة الاخرى هى مجلة الجهاز الهضمى
التابعة ل AGA
1- Drug resistance in papillary RCC: from
putative mechanisms to clinical practicalities Anna Brodziak 1,2,3,12,
Paweł Sobczuk 1,2,3,12, Ewa Bartnik4,5, Michał Fiedorowicz 6,
Camillo Porta7,8, Cezary Szczylik1,9,10,11 and
Anna M. Czarnecka 1*
Published in nature review urology
Runx2 stimulates neoangiogenesis through the
Runt domain in melanoma DanielaCecconi 1, Jessica Brandi1, Marcello Manfredi2,
Michela Serena 4, Luca Dalle Carbonare3, Michela Deiana3,4, Samuele Cheri 3,4,
Francesca Parolini4, AlbertoGandini5, Giulia Marchetto3, Giulio Innamorati5, FrancescoAvanzi1,
FrancoAntoniazzi5, Emilio Marengo2, NatasciaTiso 6, Monica Mottes 4, Donato
Zipeto 4 & MariaTeresaValenti3
published in scientific reports
3- Therapeutic Targeting of the Colorectal
Tumor Stroma
Gastroenterology.Available online 14 October
2019.In Press, Journal Pre-proof
Our papers
that were cited in the above journals:
1- The
Prognostic Value of Cancer Stem Cell Markers (Notch1, ALDH1, and CD44) in
Primary Colorectal Carcinoma.
Salem Y. Mohamed, Randa Mohamed Kaf, Mona Mostafa Ahmed, Amira Elwan, Hassan R Ashour, Amr Ibrahim.
2-Mohamed, S. Y., Mohammed, H. L., Ibrahim, H.
M., Mohamed, E. M. & Salah, M. Role of VEGF, CD105, and CD31 in the
Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer Cases. J. Gastrointest. Cancer 50, 23–34 (2017).