Staining of the mucosa of the lower esophagus with methylene blue
Using an injector catheter #(cheap and available, after removal of the injector needle), we apply methylene blue dye# on the total circumference of the lower end of the esophagus. After a considerable amount of time (about 2 minutes, we wash the dye with saline. After that, we carefully examine the gastroesophageal junction to prove (staining positive) or disprove (staining negative) the presence of Barrett's esophagus#. In this case, there is Barrett mucosa without any dysplasia.
1- the amount of dye is variable, but the endoscopist should use the minimum required amount.
2-you can use acetic acid# before flushing the mucosa with the dye to remove the excess mucus.
3-the time elapsed after staining is variable.
4-good flushing of the mucosa with saline to remove the dye after staining
5- the test is not 100% specific, false positive, and false-negative results are present.
Using an injector catheter #(cheap and available, after removal of the injector needle), we apply methylene blue dye# on the total circumference of the lower end of the esophagus. After a considerable amount of time (about 2 minutes, we wash the dye with saline. After that, we carefully examine the gastroesophageal junction to prove (staining positive) or disprove (staining negative) the presence of Barrett's esophagus#. In this case, there is Barrett mucosa without any dysplasia.
1- the amount of dye is variable, but the endoscopist should use the minimum required amount.
2-you can use acetic acid# before flushing the mucosa with the dye to remove the excess mucus.
3-the time elapsed after staining is variable.
4-good flushing of the mucosa with saline to remove the dye after staining
5- the test is not 100% specific, false positive, and false-negative results are present.
El esófago de Barrett
Barrett's slokdarm
kerongkongan barrett
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