impacted foreign body, impacted coin, esophageal foreign body, طفل صغير يبلع نصف جنيه واستخراج العملة المعدنية عن طريق المنظار
A2.5 -year-old boy was admitted to the hospital because of ingestion of impacted coin (50 piasters= half Egyptian pound). Esophagoscopy was done under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. An impacted coin in the thoracic inlet of the esophagus was removed using a coin extractor forceps.
The esophagus is a 25-cm long, tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. The esophageal length at birth varies between 8 and 10 cm and measures about 19 cm at age 15 years.
The first esophageal constriction is about 15 cm from the upper incisor teeth, where the esophagus begins at the cricopharyngeal sphincter; it is the narrowest portion of the esophagus.
Foreign body ingestion is a common pediatric problem. Coins are the most commonly ingested foreign bodies. When ingested coins become lodged in the throat, they may cause complications if they are not extracted promptly.
Most foreign bodies that swallowed through the GIT tract pass spontaneously. Only 10 to 20 % require endoscopic removal, and less than 1 percent requires surgical intervention.
Although death from foreign body ingestion is extremely low, mortality has been reported. The smaller size of coins may decrease the propensity for impaction, but even an object 18 mm in diameter can become lodged in an infant’s esophagus.
The size of 50 piaster coin is 2.2 cm. The esophagus is a 25-cm long, tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. The esophageal length at birth varies between 8 and 10 cm and measures about 19 cm at age 15 years.
The first esophageal constriction is about 15 cm from the upper incisor teeth, where the esophagus begins at the cricopharyngeal sphincter; it is the narrowest portion of the esophagus.
Foreign body ingestion is a common pediatric problem. Coins are the most commonly ingested foreign bodies. When ingested coins become lodged in the throat, they may cause complications if they are not extracted promptly.
Most foreign bodies that swallowed through the GIT tract pass spontaneously. Only 10 to 20 % require endoscopic removal, and less than 1 percent requires surgical intervention.
Although death from foreign body ingestion is extremely low, mortality has been reported. The smaller size of coins may decrease the propensity for impaction, but even an object 18 mm in diameter can become lodged in an infant’s esophagus.